Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Getting dressed? What is that?

Dress up? Never heard of it. Putting on your own shoes? Why? Taking off your pajamas?

Why should I? Putting on your own pants? Really don’t feel like it.

Our little man likes it all. Why worry about getting dressed if mom can take care of it perfectly? That is the motto of our toddler.

Dress up? What it is?

Since he was a little boy, I have been encouraging him to put on or take off his shoes himself. We always have shoes with Velcro or a zipper so it’s not because of that. He has also secretly proven many times that he can do it. He also does this at playgroup or with grandma.

But why do it when mom can do it too? Right. The same goes for dressing and undressing.

Some garments are still a little tricky or have difficult buttons. Pajamas, however, are nice and loose and supple. He can put them on and take them off just fine I think. Opinions are only divided about that. Our toddler would rather be lazy than tired in that area.

He’s quick to say he can’t do it, hoping mom or dad will help him out. I admit we do that a lot too. Mainly because I don’t feel like that struggle all the time. Also, of course it goes ten times faster when I do it for a while.

That is now going to change!

I learn to dress myself

I think it’s about time that I get dressed myself. He can do it best so we’ll get on with it. The difficulty lies mainly in certain closures.

Some buttons on pants are still difficult and the zipper of a jacket is also still a problem.
From Ses Creative we received a nice product. I learn to dress myself. You probably know Ses Creative from their creative products. Besides lots of craft activities they now also have an educational line. ‘I’m learning..’ currently has eleven products that creatively challenge children to learn a new skill. I’m learning to dress myself is part of it.

In the package you will find a wooden board in the shape of a child. This board contains six different fasteners found on clothing. So you can playfully practice with the closures.
Our little man has been practicing for a while. Opening everything was a breeze but the zipper and the belt still need some practice. Luckily the board is perfect for that.

You can practice endlessly.

What I still miss is the option ‘I learn to put my clothes in the laundry basket’. After all, the result of practicing is a trail of clothes through my living room. Why undress next to the laundry basket in the bathroom if you can do it in the living room??



‘I learn to dress myself’ is available from bol (among others).com. (€9,98,-)

Can your kids dress themselves yet? Which things are still difficult?


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