Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Challenge 365 daysoffun

Since the start of Bblogt.And every week you can read an overview of the things that made me happy. I notice that every now and then I really have to think hard to complete this list. While I do and experience really nice things, so it can't be because of that.

Since January is all about New Year's resolutions and challenges for a lot of people, I created a challenge for myself as well; 365daysoffun.

A challenge you can follow on instagram.


So at the beginning of a new year you see challenges pop up on many blogs and social media. Often there is an intention or goal attached to it. Some people want to hit the gym, others want to quit smoking, others want to live healthier, and so on.

The hashtags with challenges are flying around, so I thought it was about time to challenge myself as well.

Let's see if I can keep up a 365 day challenge. Yes, I know that this year has 366 days, that is why I am starting today. 😉

The challenge I give myself is to reflect every day on a moment when I had fun. You don't have to do that all day long, but the trick is to have fun at least once a day, or laugh hard, or just enjoy something so much. With two little (b)angels of children that actually works out pretty well but I notice that I am not always aware of it.

With the #365daysoffun challenge I challenge myself to post a photo on instagram every day with something I had a lot of fun, laughed at, enjoyed etc. Just because you can and because it's fun to look back.

Of course I will also update on the blog every now and then, since not all my readers have instagram. But are you also an avid instagrammer, follow Bblogt.Then go to instagram and get a daily look behind the scenes of our life and the blog. And of course keep an eye on my hashtag #365daysoffun.I'm curious to see if at the end of 2016 I will actually have 365 photos’s full of fun have been able to post.

You can find the first photo here. I had my little man's dino’s play in a rock band. He's been playing with my old keyboard for a few days now so when little man went to bed I saw my chance.

I already had a lot of fun preparing it myself. Now we have to wait and see how the little man reacts when he comes downstairs soon.

Do you have any resolutions or challenges?

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