Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Privacy statement lodiblogt

As of May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) is applicable. This means that from that date, the same privacy laws apply throughout the European Union (EU). Because I collect personal data, I have also created a privacy statement.

Privacy statement Lodiblogt

Per May 2018 a privacy statement is mandatory, also on websites. Because I also collect personal data on lodiblogt, albeit very little, I have drawn up a privacy statement. I am required by law to clearly inform visitors to my website which privacy-sensitive data I collect and for what purpose.

This follows from the Personal Data Protection Act.

Personal data

My site is As a blogger on this site I collect personal data, from you as a visitor. When you respond to a blog article I ask for your name, e-mail address and there is also the possibility to enter your website.

Purpose of collecting this data.

When you comment on one of my blog posts, only your name will be mentioned. Your e-mail address will never be visible on my site. I only use your e-mail address when I personally respond to a contest.

The winners of contests always receive an email from me.


When you open my site a bar with cookies appears at the top. A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer, tablet or smartphone during your visit to my website. This text file stores information.

This information can be recognized again by this website at a later visit. And sometimes another website can also read the cookie and store information in it.

Sharing of personal data

I am the sole owner and blogger on lodiblogt. Besides me no one else is on this site. The data will then also only be visible to me.

It may happen that I have to give your email address to a third party in case of a win action for example. I will let you know in advance. Your personal data will be stored on the servers.

These are the property of Neostrada.

How long will your data be kept

If you leave a comment under a blog on my site, the data will be saved. I am the only one who sees this and do nothing else with it.

What rights do you have

  • You have the right to view and indicate if you want your data removed or modified.
  • you can object to the processing of this data.
  • you can remove your confirmation of personal data without having to give a reason.

Google Analytics

I use Google Analytics to see how many users come to my site. To protect your privacy as much as possible, I have a processing agreement with Google and I have disabled data sharing.

Security level

The level of security is sufficient with current technical capabilities to prevent unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or loss of personal data.

Contact details

If you have any questions please contact me.

For this article I obtained information on authoritypersonal data. An article on Blogging and logging prompted me to create this privacy statement. Thanks to the article from Mama’s Dearest, I saw that I was missing something in my statement and adjusted it a lot.

Thanks for this.

Also nice to read

5 thoughts on “Privacy statement lodiblogt”

Glad I could help you on your way! So I have a question for you 😉 How do I get that check mark – with Save my name, email address and website in this browser for next time I post a comment – at the bottom of my comments? Is that a plugin?

I sent you an email 🙂

Useful blog! I need to work on this as well.

Also in the works and luckily wordpress is helping me on my way. Remains a thingy, but will be fine , what a hassle again, but again hugely important

Useful article! I am so afraid that I just forgot to mention something that is important, but I think I have everything in order now.

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Welcome to lodiblogt

Lodiblogt - Lifestyle Magazine. Living, family, fashion, travel, leisure and so much more

Lodiblogt – Lifestyle Magazine. Living, family, fashion, travel, leisure and so much more.

I am Lodi, born in the 70’s, married and mother of 2 sons (2007 & 2009). I am creative and love to write. That is why I started blogging.

Meanwhile, an article appears on my site almost every day. With this I hope to inspire you too. I live like a Bohemian and have found my passion in my vegetable garden. Read my adventure on Lodi’s vegetable garden.

To know more, read the about me page.